Design the new Mosselman M3 Livery!

31 August 2023

Design the new Mosselman G80 M3 Livery! We're upgrading to a new set of wheels and we need a livery to match them. The wheels will be revealed together with the new livery, but we can already tell you that the color will be "Champagne".

Do you have it in you to design a stunning livery? Download the full image below, send us your ideas to, and maybe our unique Mosselman G80 will be designed or inspired by you.

The current lines and logo on the image can be used as a basis. Feel free to add lines, change colors, or do some other crazy things. We're looking forward to seeing your ideas! 


We're in a hurry with the design, so we are closing the submission on Monday the 4th of September. We're looking forward to seeing your ideas! Our chosen top three will be posted on our social media channels and will be immortal warriors for this and the next generations. Let's go!